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    Performing Calculations

    A programmer’s tools for performing calculations are math operators. Python has numerous operators that can be used to perform mathematical calculations.

    A math expression performs a calculation and gives a value. The following is an example of a simple math expression:

    12 + 2

    The values on the right and left of the operator are called operands.

    Example: (simple_math.py)




    print(‘Total is: “, c)

    Floating-Point and Integer Division

    Python has two different division operators. The / operator performs floating-point division, and the // operator performs integer division.

    The difference between them is that the / operator gives the result as a floating-point value, and the // operator gives the result as an integer.


    >>> 5 / 2   


    >>> 5 // 2  


    The // operator works like this:

    • When the result is positive, it is truncated, which means that its fractional part is thrown away.

    • When the result is negative, it is rounded away from zero to the nearest integer.


    >>> −5 // 2


    Operator Precedence

    First, operations that are enclosed in parentheses are performed first. Then the operator with the higher precedence is applied first.

    The precedence of the math operators, from highest to lowest, are:

    1. Exponentiation: **

    2. Multiplication, division, and remainder: * / // %

    3. Addition and subtraction: + −

    Notice that the multiplication (*), floating-point division (/), integer division (//), and remainder (%) operators have the same precedence. The addition (+) and subtraction (−) operators also have the same precedence. When two operators with the same precedence share an operand, the operators execute from left to right.


    outcome = 12.0 + 6.0 / 3.0

    There is an exception to the left-to-right rule. When two ** operators share an operand, the operators execute right-to-left. For example, the expression 2**3**4 is evaluated as 2**(3**4).

    Mixed-Type Expressions and Data Type Conversion

    When a math operation is performed on two operands, the data type of the result will depend on the data type of the operands. Python follows these rules when evaluating mathematical expressions:

    • When an operation is performed on two int values, the result will be an int.

    • When an operation is performed on two float values, the result will be a float.

    • When an operation is performed on an int and a float, the int value will be temporarily converted to a float and the result of the operation will be a float. (An expression that uses operands of different data types is called a mixed-type expression.)

    The first two situations are straightforward: operations on ints produce ints, and operations on floats produce floats. The third situation, which involves mixed-type expressions:

    my_number = 5 * 2.0

    When this statement executes, the value 5 will be converted to a float (5.0) and then multiplied by 2.0. The result, 10.0, will be assigned to my_number.

    The int to float conversion happens implicitly in above calucation.

    For explicit conversion, use either the int( ) or float( ) functions.