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    Break and continue


    The break statement terminates the loop containing it and control of the program flows to the statement immediately after the body of the loop. If break statement is inside a nested loop, break will terminate the innermost loop.

    break in for loop

    for var in sequence:

    # code inside for loop

    If condition:

    break (if break condition satisfies it jumps to outside loop)

    # code inside for loop

    # code outside for loop

    break in while loop

    while test expression

    # code inside while loop

    If condition:

    break (if break condition satisfies it jumps to outside loop)

    # code inside while loop

    # code outside while loop


    for num in [11, 9, 88, 10, 90, 3, 19]:



    print("The number 88 is found")

    print("Terminating the loop")



    The continue statement is used to skip the rest of the code inside a loop for the current iteration only. Loop does not terminate but continues on with the next iteration.

    continue in for loop:

    for var in sequence:

    # code inside for loop

    If condition:

    continue (if break condition satisfies it jumps to outside loop)

    # code inside for loop

    # code outside for loop

    continue in while loop;

    while test expression

    # code inside while loop

    If condition:

    continue(if break condition satisfies it jumps to outside loop)

    # code inside while loop

    # code outside while loop


    # program to display only odd numbers

    for num in [20, 11, 9, 66, 4, 89, 44]:

    # Skipping the iteration when number is even

    if num%2 == 0:


    # This statement will be skipped for all even numbers
