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    Displaying Output with the print Function

    The most fundamental built-in function of Python is the print function, which displays output on the screen.

    Here is an example of a statement that executes the print function:

    print('Hello world')

    In interactive mode:

    >>> print('Hello world')

    Hello world


    When you call the print function, you type the word print, followed by a set of parentheses. Inside the parentheses, you type an argument, which is the data that you want displayed on the screen.

    Using Script:

    Program to display name and address on the computer screen

    program name: output.py



    More About Data Output

    Output can be formatted in different ways.

    1. Suppressing the print Function’s Ending Newline

    The print function normally displays a line of output.





    Each of the statements shown here displays a string and then prints a newline character.





    If the print function should not start a new line of output when it finishes displaying its output, pass the special argument end=' ' to the function.

    print('One', end=' ')

    print('Two', end=' ')


    This specifies that the print function should print a space instead of a newline character at the end of its output.

    Here is the output of these statements:

    One Two Three

    To print anything at the end of its output, not even a space. If that is the case, pass the argument end='' to the print function, as shown in the following code:

    print('One', end='')

    print('Two', end='')


    This specifies that the print function should print nothing at the end of its output. Here is the output of these statements:


    2. Specifying an Item Separator

    When multiple arguments are passed to the print function, they are automatically separated by a space when they are displayed on the screen.

    >>> print('One', 'Two', 'Three')

    One Two Three

    If space is not to be printed between the items, pass the argument sep='' to the print function, as shown here:

    >>> print('One', 'Two', 'Three', sep='')


    To specify a character other than the space to separate multiple items in the output use sep=’*’

    >>> print('One', 'Two', 'Three', sep='*')


    3. Escape Characters

    An escape character is a special character that is preceded with a backslash (\), appearing inside a string literal. When a string literal that contains escape characters is printed, the escape characters are treated as special commands that are embedded in the string.

    Some of Python’s escape characters


    Ex \n:


    When this statement executes, it displays




    Ex \t:



    The output is

    Mon     Tues     Wed

    Thur     Fri        Sat

    Ex \' and \":

    The \' and \" escape characters can be used to display quotation marks.

    print("Your assignment is to read \"Hamlet\" by tomorrow.")

    print('I\'m ready to begin.')

    These statements display the following:

    Your assignment is to read "Hamlet" by tomorrow.

    I'm ready to begin.

    Ex \\:

    The \\ escape character is used to display a backslash, as shown in the following:

    print('The path is C:\\temp\\data.')

    This statement will display

    The path is C:\temp\data.

    4. Displaying Multiple Items with the + Operator

    When the + operator is used with two strings, it performs string concatenation.

    print('This is ' + 'one string.')

    This statement will print

    This is one string.

    5. Formatting Numbers

    When a floating-point number is displayed by the print function, it can appear with up to 12 significant digits.

    Python provides the built-in format function, which can be used to round the decimal places. The format specifier is a string that contains special characters specifying how the numeric value should be formatted.

    format function has two arguments: a numeric value and a format specifier.

    format(12345.6789, '.2f ')

    The first argument, which is the floating-point number 12345.6789, is the number that we want to format. The second argument, which is the string '.2f', is the format specifier.

    Here is the meaning of its contents:

    • The .2 specifies the precision. It indicates that we want to round the number to two decimal places.

    • The f specifies that the data type of the number we are formatting is a floating-point number.

    output: 12345.68

    Formatting in Scientific Notation

    To display floating-point numbers in scientific notation, use the letter e or the letter E instead of f.

    >>> print(format(12345.6789, 'e'))


    >>> print(format(12345.6789, '.2e'))


    Inserting Comma Separators

    If you want the number to be formatted with comma separators, you can insert a comma into the format specifier.

    >>> print(format(12345.6789, ',.2f'))


    >>> print(format(123456789.456, ',.2f'))


    Specifying a Minimum Field Width

    The format specifier can also include a minimum field width, which is the minimum number of spaces that should be used to display the value.

    >>> print('The number is', format(12345.6789, '12,.2f'))

    The number is 12,345.68

    The number 12,345.68 uses only 9 spaces on the screen, but it is displayed in a field that is 12 spaces wide. When this is the case, the number is right justified in the field. If a value is too large to fit in the specified field width, the field is automatically enlarged to accommodate it.